A cult classic cRPG, and one of the best sequels ever made, Worldbuilding and Lore has depth. So many storylines and sidequests! Amazing voice acting, its an incredible game, especially when you consider the story from start to finish as an epic complete trilogy. The story and dialog are fantastic. Combat is deep and fun. The lore of each and every item you find really adds a lot of depth to the world. The quantity and quality of characters make each replay a different experience. It goes on and on. There's so much in this game that is done so well. Another big plus for this game is the dedicated modding community.
Baldur's Gate 2 is by far one of the most memorable RPGs I have ever played.


Quick thoughts to explain my rating.

Last of us had a lot of hype around it because it managed to nail the characterization in its story, and also it managed to reach the movie crows perhaps more than any other game.

The Last of Us has a story that is not very unique or original but the execution was well done, the way character interact was also very good.
However this is the main strong point, pretty much everything else was mediocre.
The gameplay and the stealth is fine but it lacks variety, each situation in the game can be solved with 2 ways, 1 is stealth which can be done easily thanks to the bad A.I or the second which is fighting but its not optimal at higher difficulty because of limited ammunition.
In terms of Sounds and Music the game is also mediocre for me.
I didnt like the game as much as other liked it, but it was a fun experience.
A Solid 7/10

God of War - GOTY of 2018.
An action heavy game with strong focus on Combat and Brutal action combos, the gameplay is very good and fun.
The main issue with the gameplay is the boss fights, they lack variety which is very important.
The story is above average, the themes of dad and son relation are interesting and sometimes get emotional, similar to last of us the character interaction is amazing.
Beautiful graphics and nice music as well.
8/10 - Great Game.