3 reviews liked by Askeladd_Zento

Was eine hässliche, austauschbare und schlampig konzipierte Sci-Fi Misere. Da tut einem der Kopf weh.

I'm a tactics junkie, and the marketing for this game made it a must buy. Unfortunately, this game underdelivers.

There are a handful of characters available from the outset, and you can "rescue" (buy) new characters during each run. Rescuing new characters does not unlock the character permanently, however. Instead, you have to take certain actions to unlock and some of these actions are quite tedious. You also have to acquire a substantial amount of resources before you can make any meaningful progress. Although this game is a rouge like the repetition without constant improvement makes it a little too repetitive to be enjoyable. Hopefully, they patch the game to make it a little more enjoyable.

Civvie wasn't lying, this do be fucking boring