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Athing_451 finished Boku no Natsuyasumi 2: Umi no Bouken-hen
Once again I'm thrown into a fictional summer that's just long enough that I miss it when it ends, but not so long that I ever wished it ended sooner.

Boku no Natsuyasumi's main success was being a game that could make you cry without a single tragedy: the heartrending part of that game was saying goodbye. Throughout the entire game one's own nostalgic recollections of childhood come to overlap with the game itself, and by the end of it events that happened maybe two hours ago, feel like part of some precious memory. It's a trick that really only works once, so I was a bit worried about the sequels lacking impact.

As it turns out, there was no need to worry; being able to observe how my own memories started to work against me as the story went on made up for whatever was lost, although I don't think I lost anything. Sure, the first game's ending left more of an impression on me, but I think Two as a whole will probably stick with me longer. For me, being completely aware of what the story was trying to do, removed any doubt on whether it earned its emotional moments or not, and let me appreciate the subtler moments of the game more.

Now to get to Three in 2025...

Simon not smoking weed is a plot hole.

1 day ago

Athing_451 finished Simple 2000 Series Vol. 46: The Kanji Quiz - Challenge Kanji Kentei
Guy whose entire resume is just certifications he got from 2000's test your brain games.

throwing hands with yojijukugo for 2000 yen.

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