To be honest, it is one of my most favourite games to date.
The fighting feels responsive and satisfying, and the great variety in classes to pick from increase the replayability ninefold (literally).
The battles with massive points forever remains as the selling point to me. It's like Monster Hunter but you're now donning the boots of a fantasy dogma hero.
In general, a really cool game with a few flaws. The writing is mediocre, the story is not half-bad (the last parts save it), but nonetheless it is a good game. It has fun, it has replayability, it is engaging.

Half-decent game. Shooting is mediocre and the never-ending battles with random goons often end up infuriating rather than fun.
Nonetheless, had a bunch of fun with it for sure.

An awesome mecha game unfortunately limited by its heavy focus on multiplayer. The game offers an array of various parts and weapons (the latter of which is forever un-tunable due to the servers being forever down), and in general is a better "AC game", so to speak. That's because it recovered the importance of building an AC, in comparison to AC4 and ACFA, particularly ACFA, which is known as the easiest in the whole franchise.
Moreover, I thoroughly enjoyed the detail put into the weaponry and the AC parts. They strived to stay grounded and a little bit similar to modern military technology. A tad bit "realistic" in design, especially in regards to the movement system.
Instead of adding in tried-and-true tropes of movement in AC, this game removed upwards flight but kept float. You can now wall-kick off the walls and send you in whatever direction is available to you, and gives a boost in speed. This movement plays very well with the environments, which enable you to backstab your enemies and get into cover easily.

There are a few flaws to note, however. Among them is the often times annoying and dizzying motion blur, horrible FPS times on PS3, reliance on multiplayer and online connectivity and etc.
Still, the game was unfairly hated on so much because it was merely different from what the fans'd expect.