My favorite game of all time with lots of content to keep you playing long after its masterpiece of a story.

I have never seen a game as full of creativity as Cassette Beasts is. Its strongest quality is its gameplay: it twists the formula that inspired it in so many ways and doesn’t impede the player from exploring it to their heart’s content. Its sticker system in particular leads to so many interesting combinations and strategies, and bootlegs are also such a wonderful spin on their original concept. The game’s unique spin on the genre’s type chart and the fusion mechanics both wonderfully add to the game’s complexity as well.

The world is incredibly fun to explore and its premise allows for so many fun creatures. Incorporating real-world myths and legends into the designs leads to some of the best designs I’ve ever seen and I always felt excited to find a new monster. The world and characters are great too - there’s a good range of grounded dialogue and absurd humor filled throughout the characters and areas. You can feel how much the devs loved playing with the concept of pulling aspects into the world from both real and fictitious sources.

The overarching story is simple and is mostly there to explain the game’s setting and of course give the player their main goal. Rather than focusing on that, the game focuses on the questlines of several key characters: each of them has a strong theme tied to them, yet they are varied enough that I think most players can relate to at least one of them. The format of having a partner always with you helps make the player more attached to these characters and is definitely a welcome addition to the genre.

My only real gripe with this game is its post-game. There is definitely a good amount of fun content, but the remaining main objectives feel split between a long amount of grinding. While during the main game I was having fun changing between different tactics, by the end I felt I needed to stick to the most effective to get through it quick enough.

The art style and soundtrack are both gorgeous too! This is definitely my favorite entry in the monster-catching genre so far and I am incredibly excited to see what the creators have in store for this world next.