Joe and Silvia are so cool! I wish straight people were real...

I am this game's strongest soldier

My only issue with this game is that I wanted more of that sick saxophone from the final trailer

A nice daily reminder of how good the music in this series is and how mentally ill I am

My favorite Nintendo ip. Dusted off my gamepad to play this again and it's still a great time. This was all I knew back in middle school

Wish the story interested me as much as the gameplay did

How they managed to pull some of this stuff off on the 3ds is beyond me. One of my new favorites on the handheld and just in general

I'm enjoying my time with this but I don't think I have the patience rn to put up with this pc port

Even as a kid I thought it was weird that this used the Sonic 3 sprites

This was a struggle to get through at times which saddens me because I was really excited for this. Killer soundtrack aside, I ran into a lot of bugs. Some in the overworld and some in battles. I didn't mind them too much in the former but for the latter it was rough. There have been a few patches since I finished the game though so I'm hoping whenever I replay this some of the more alarming ones aren't there anymore.

I'm so mixed on the lineup in this one

"We burn our black streaks into the freezing cold asphalt. These are the records of our existence." is one of the coldest things I've ever read. This era of square was so sick