This was pretty good, it was surprisingly comfy too! It gave me a similar feeling to roaming around Inaba in p4 and that's honestly all you could ever ask for really

I wouldn't wish going through the PowerPlant Comp on my worst enemy

I adore how much these games feel like you're playing a saturday morning cartoon

Being a big fan of Klonoa I had always heard about this game but never played it until now and yeah I definitely get the hype

The first Pokémon title that I'll complete the dex in

My comfort game. If nobody got me I know PowerWash Simulator got me

This was great but I'm gonna be real it made me miss Kid Icarus Uprising even more

Wow this just wasn't as bad as people make it out to be

Obvious issues aside this was good! Holding out for an official remake someday, I think it would really benefit from one.

I still think combining Metropolis Zone with Scrap Brain Zone is a crazy ass thing to do

Whenever I think I've seen all of the best the Dreamcast has to offer, I find another banger of a game not long after. Super stylish and fun from start to finish, hats off to the Cool Cool Kids for all the work they put into the translation patch!

This was the fastest I have ever dropped money on a game, I think about it so often. Like 50 seconds into the launch trailer I paused it and opened up steam and the rest is history

Definitely my least favorite of the trilogy but I didn't hate it. I don't mind the gunyip and bunyip levels or even the cart racing as much as most people do but I do wish there were more traditional ty levels to even it out