The children yearn for Twisted Metal

Pretty fun! Games on the shorter side are always welcome in my book, especially since most of the new releases I've played this year so far have been 50+ hour jrpgs (affectionate)

Two weeks ago I remembered that I own a dance pad and I have not been the same since

Wasn't feeling this as much as I thought I would at first, but when you get the hang of the controls everything clicks! Keeping that flow going through the whole level and maintaining your combo can be tricky, but pulling it off is super satisfying. That paired with dreamy visuals and an amazing soundtrack makes for something truly special. Can't wait to see what Evening Star cooks up next.

I missed these two so much. Pearlina Nation we won

I adore this. Everything is lively and colorful, there were so many times where I'd stop progressing through a level to take it all in.

Speaking of levels there's a lot more than I thought there'd be, but the different gameplay styles really help keep things fresh! It's an easy game but I didn't mind at all. Plus I feel like those hidden tanukis you find in certain levels sorta made up for it, most of them were tricky to find!

I also love the way levels are completed in this game. Switching between the L and R buttons to use your drumsticks to restore the calamity towers and hearing that little jingle at the end never got old and always brought a smile to my face. One of my only gripes are the occasional framedrops. It can chug when there's a lot on screen, but other than that this is fantastic.

I played this with the english fan translation patch which was nice to have. Manifesting a localization announcement during the Nintendo Partner Showcase tomorrow because more people should check this out!
EDIT: Looks like it wasn't there... maybe next time Bakerubros

"I think there are a lot of things that happen in life, but when you play Like A Dragon 8, you can look up and see the shining sky with a smile on your face. Please look forward to it." - Kazuhiro Nakaya

Fucked up in the crib playing Palworld

I want to eat this game. The environments are gorgeous, I want to live in most of these courses so bad! Hope I can get my friends to hop on sometime

I was smiling through the whole story mode this was so cute. Chocobo you will always be famous

Since this version of the game is pretty similar to the Switch and Quest ones I'll only be talking about the Apple Arcade exclusive additions, like the story mode. I'll link my review of the Switch version here for my overall thoughts on the game!

Why the story mode is exclusive to this version is beyond me. I ended up enjoying it a lot more than the career mode! It's not a crazy story or anything but it's so goofy and over the top, so it's a little disappointing that the version most people probably own didn't get it. I thought having StreamiGo as a single chapter instead of an entire mode was better, and it was awesome to see these characters finally talk and the new characters exclusive to the story mode! You can also dress up Amigo in his friends' outfits in this one, which I thought was neat!

At the end of the day it's just nice to see Amigo and friends again for the first time in ages. Here's hoping he'll make a return with a new story (that isn't Apple Arcade exclusive) in the future, spreading that love for music anywhere he goes!

There's some bangers in here that I'd never heard of before, they're going in my playlist for sure

My friend and I put on some tracks from the show while we played this and it made the experience even better. Cleaning up iconic places and items from the show while talking about episodes and moments that we remember was hands down the most fun I've had on this game. I haven't watched an episode in so long, but no matter how much time passes I'll always love this lil yellow guy.

You know it's something special when it gets you to reinstall Sonic Forces.

This took the original and pushed it to it's limit. Of course at its core it's still Forces, can't really do much about that, but I believe the Overclocked Team did their absolute best with what they had to work with. Stages feel fresh, engaging, and most importantly... last longer than 2 minutes! To my surprise S ranks take genuine effort to get now so it'll be fun coming back to get one for each stage! Small stuff goes a long way too, like the addition of an idle animation and a new model for Sonic.

They struck a good balance with that darker tone the original was going for, while still having characters crack a joke every now and then to remind you that it's not all doom and gloom! Without getting into it too much I love how Tails and the Rook- er... Soldier were used here. The voice actors did a great job too, especially Infinite's. There were times I couldn't tell that wasn't Liam O'Brien himself talking! The soundtrack is great as well, helps set the tone and track names are titled like how they were in the Adventure games which is neat.

There was so much passion put into this and it shows! The Sonic community is filled with tons of talented people and this mod is even more proof of that.

While it doesn't have all the bells and whistles of Harmonix's older stuff and you definitely could just play those instead, whether it be vanilla or modded, I appreciate how accessible this is! All the kids playing this now have something similar to what we had and I think that rules honestly.