Love pretty much everything here except for whatever the hell they did to the ui

What an incredible remake. When I heard Kendrick Lamar's "Alright" play during the opening I knew I was in for a treat.

Games like this usually aren't my thing but I love this. It's that multiplayer experience I've been craving all year. The perfect inbetween of scary and funny as fuck

This series continues to emotionally destroy me


Normal people bought Gaiden to see what happened to Kiryu between Yakuza 6 and 7
I bought Gaiden to play Sonic The Fighters in it's entirety

It can't be understated how great it is to have a 2d Mario that makes you feel something again

It was nice being able to play through one of my favorite movies!

This was definitely the second installment in the Just Dance Kids series

Maybe the real superstars were the friends we made along the way that the camera couldn't keep up with

tears streaming down my face dudes rock

Thinking about it now I probably set my expectations too high. I know I shouldn't be that shocked that the video game adaptation of an anime turned out to be Just Alright, but it's still a little disappointing. I thought it would play as nice as it looks but it sadly doesn't. The combat is stiff and barebones which is a shame because there's this rougelike mode that's actually pretty neat, but with how the game felt I didn't want to keep going through it. Other than that another highlight for me was the cutscenes, and I don't mean the slideshow ones that take up more than half of the game, I'm talking about the ones that recreate iconic scenes from the anime. All this for 60 dollars too is crazy, it felt like I was playing a mobile game at times with how it's structured. Although I wouldn't have watched the anime if I never saw the trailers for this so it wasn't all too bad but still, a series as cool as Dai deserves something better than this.

Can we please get a good My Hero game I am on my knees