Log Status






Time Played

24h 55m

Days in Journal

14 days

Last played

April 8, 2022

First played

November 19, 2021

Platforms Played


Played a ton of this over the last couple weeks, completing all the Inventor, Robot and Jester levels, and a few other levels here and there, before burning out hard and putting down the game.

Dicey Dungeons is one of the better roguelikes I've played. This is partially because runs are very snappy and short; they never lasted longer than 30-40 minutes even for me as a very slow player, and almost all my runs that failed would do so within the first 10 minutes. It's also partially because of the variety of play experiences available between the six different characters; it's wild how far the designers manage to stretch such a seemingly restrictive game concept, and I was genuinely excited every single time I got to start my first run with a new character to see what weird way they warp everything you know about the game.

That said, despite my momentary addiction, the first several hours of the game were by far the high-point of it. Trying out new characters and getting that first win with them is a lot of fun, but repeated playthroughs with the same character do start to get repetitive and turn into a bit of a grind despite the game's attempts to mix up things between episodes (the one exception here is the Jester whose runs remained a lot of fun throughout). This repetitively problem isn't helped by an issue I keep having with roguelike deckbuilders where many of my runs were honestly pretty easy. With the exception of the Robot, who loses a lot of runs on the first couple floors due to bad rng, I think I only ever failed runs on character's third episodes which tend to contort the rules in some actively unpleasant way. Getting a bit repetitive could be fine if I felt like I was actually being tested in some way, but I mostly found myself going through the motions.

Still, was generally pretty happy with my experience and I'm likely to slowly finish off content over the next year or so on public transport.