"sick and twisted game for sickos" said my wife after i bought them this game, strapped them into their chair, chained to the desk and hit play
favourite game of all time. impossible to explain the uh dubious ins & outs of how this thing works or what makes it so enjoyable when it is constantly trying (and succeeding) to pull one over on you and burn itself down but
you either die a clerk or live long enough to see yourself become The Manager... face the fear, build the future... what, like it's hard?

Reviewed on Nov 18, 2022


aside: i just rewatched cabin in the woods for the first time since it came out & man they (project moon) nailed it & i may love this game more than ever
+ where the magic happens https://youtu.be/bDDMv6mPk2o
wait til you get to the scary part…