Now while I haven't have grown up with the original Final Fantasy 7, I do know the impact it had with people with it being one of the most memorable RPGs in history. So I was interested in getting the remake because it would help me get into this franchise or at least the one that's well known by most.

And after three days of completing the story all the way through, I honestly had a fun time and it made a fan out of me. Now I can't really say how accurate it is to the original since I never played it especially with how this is only part 1 but it seems people still like it whether it be old fans or new fans of this new generation that this remake has pulled in.

Now the graphics are beautiful. Very atmospheric and the attention to detail makes this game pleasing to look at. From the characters to the environment.

The gameplay is very fun to play. The combat in the original was turn-based but now it has a different style with you dodging, wailing on the enemies, and you can switch between the four characters you get to play as. You can equip materia and upgrade your weapons to improve your strength and tactics.

You can play as Cloud Strife where you can swing your Buster Sword and slash up enemies, Barret Wallace who is good for ranged attacks with his gun arm, Tifa Lockhart who is great at close combat, and Aerith Gainsborough who serves as your mage and can help heal you in battle.

You also have items that can temporarily give you a power boost or heal and revive your team. It really gives you a sense of strategy.

There are also summons which have you call in these titan and mythical creatures that can help you out by giving massive damage to enemies. My favorite being Ifrit who sets the battlefield ablaze.

Now I expected this game to be long because these games are known for doing so and I had a good time all throughout and didn't feel disinterested at the least. I even played the side missions because of how fun it is. I've gotten lost a few times in certain areas which made it drag a bit but it happened so rarely that I was able to have a good experience overall.

The story was also interesting. There's still some questions that new fans may have but there are more parts coming so we'll have to wait and see for how the story continues. You really appreciate the characters as well as their motives in taking down Shinra. And of course, the one-winged angel himself, Sephiroth is as badass as ever with that badass theme song.

Now I found myself having a difficult time and I've died many times due to certain enemies like the ghosts and the lizard people but I was playing on "Normal Mode" which turned out to be... harder than normal. So I set it down to easy around the third act.

Overall, after three days of playing through, it was worth the money. I enjoyed the gameplay, it looked beautiful, and it has made me a fan of FF7 and I can't wait for Part 2. If only Cloud could get more representation in Smash Ultimate. Get on it Square Enix.

So I give the Final Fantasy VII Remake a 9/10.

Reviewed on Jul 19, 2020
