49 Reviews liked by BOOitsnathalie

is your girlfriend blonde, tall, wears a power suit, turns into a morph ball, run fast, grapple in walls, shoots ice beam and shoots beams at: giant lizard aliens, flying brains and ghosts octopus? then sorry, she's not your girlfriend, she's mine!

The artwork, atmosphere, rhyming dialogue and cow centered narrative was charming. However, there is a great amount of tedium that comes with the point and click adventure genre. There were some solutions that were not possible (for me) without the help of a guide. Deeply problematic choice to follow the schema of Indian independence and depict them as an alien race.



Very interesting concept. Love that it comes as sort of an open source game engine. I just find the repetition of some of the stories extremely cumbersome.



Played this with my Game Design class and found it really well done. Very subtle sound design and really stripped down mechanic made it feel super focused and really fun to play with others. When we played together we only got one "win condition" by marrying the princess, but you can see through the gameplay that there's multiple different routes and options, including what I'd imagine is some kind of battle with a warlock.

I really enjoyed showing this to my students, since it's really simplified mechanic was still so engaging to them. Ord. provided a really refined and polished example that you don't need complicated graphics and sophisticated art to tell compelling stories and get players "hooked."