this game goes so hard. feel free to screenshot play.

The Adventures of Gunslinger Joe [6] - Most decent story, missions are ok

The Diaries of Agent Silent Death [6] - One of the most basic Black Widow clone, stealth doesn't always works but ok overall

The Amazing Deeds of Captain Wilkins [4] - Level designs are embarrassing, story is very bad, the twist is stupid af

3-4 hours worth of content mediocre content, I don't recommend

HITMAN 1 ve 2 ile karşılaştırılınca aşırı büyük bir downgrade söz konusu. Son bölüm ve Dartmoor bölümü dışındaki bölümler cidden vasat. Mission Storyler o kadar azaltılmış ki cidden üzücü. Gelen storylerde hikayeyi aşırı linear hale getiriyor. 1 ve 2'deki gibi size yardım eden ama gerisini size bırakan hikayeler beklemeyin, bu oyunda hikayeleri tamamladıktan sonra her şey kendi kendine gerçekleşecek smh.

Dedektiflik bölümünün ve son bölümün hatrına çok fazla puan kırmıyorum ama üzdün beni HITMAN 3...

we live in a world

- Kendrick Lamar (2012)

when i'm in a Making Boring Af, Unoptimized Games competition and my opponent Is Crytek

Annoying little piece of shit

Wow this overhate is insane

It is a good game
+ most of the gameplay changes are great, gameplay feels amazing
+ bp is surprisingly good
+ upgraded engine graphics are really good
+ junker queen is great, kiriko is good, new maps are really fun to play
+ junker mommy

- people who picked prices for skins should be sent to hell
- ui is clearly unfinished
- sojourn is so underwhelming
- push mode is not fun to play, and it must be really annoying for level designers to make mirrored maps
- removal of level system is... not good

NOTE: I know you hate the ABK, but if you didn't play the game don't write a review to mislead people. If you played it and didn't like it, I respect it, write all your rage and your problems with the game and ABK. But posting "reviews" without playing the game, that's just despicable.

My copy of GoW finally arrived and my PS4's bluray drive is fucking dying. I can't imagine what will happen when I actually play the game.

My PS4 won't survive this...

Edit: My PS4 -kinda- survived it but I will now let it rest, you done so much for me Launch Day Fat PS4. You will be remembered o7

PC optimization kinda sucks dunkey balls but game itself is good in first 2 hours, will update after finishing it.

UPDATE: I don't know what to say about this game... I don't think it is bad because of few great elements, but everything else just doesn't work. Level design and enemy placements are just terrible and they are the biggest sin of this game.

Again, I don't know what to say, It is just like a headache, don't buy it at full price tag , wait for a big patch and a huge sale (%75 and more is good).

I can't force myself to play this game, I quit.

No, I don't think it is a bad game but I'm done with these soulless open world games. I don't have time to deal with 50-60 hours long bore fests with same missions coppied and pasted hundered times. I can spend that time playing something better.

If you like Far Cry games, you may like this. But if you are like me, got bored of Ubi tier open world games few years ago, stay away.