Fairly average LEGO game. Would have scored a little higher, except for some annoying glitches that happened thougthout my playthough.

Decent enough Sonic game. Levels get a little too maze-like towards the end. Also some poor design choices can lead to a rather frustrating time. Leaving the game unpaused for 3 mins will see Sonic kill himself, but pausing the game and pressing anything other than Start to try to unpause will also result in a life loss. Would still recommend giving it a go, but would suggest one of the newer versions where at least the pause menu death has been removed.

An outstanding remake of an already fantastic game.

Silly, enjoyable game. Has aged poorly in some aspects, but if you grew up with it, you'll still get fond memories. Worth it for Hagrid alone.

Very fun game, well worth the time to beat it.
All Achievements unlocked, except one that required an external app that's no longer available.

Fairly boring game. Not at all up to par with older entries in the series.
Ended up just earning all Achievements using an easy method shared online.