the only purpose of this game is to realize how pointless video games truly are. but thats the real beauty in it

100% an improvement on AC1 in just about every aspect

Not sure if I will ever pick this up again. I guess they logically thought that a sequel should just be bigger and "better," but just ended up clogging the game with a lot of junk.

Would not recommend unless you are a fan of the series or very curious to how Assassin's Creed all started. Has not aged very well at all and is repetitive, but it was just enough for me to see it to the end.

They really have something here that could be great, but it falters at all the wrong points and fails to make something that would really "return Assassin's Creed to its roots."

Even after Fallout 76, I was still excited for this game. It looked like they could really pull it off. In some regards, like ship building and the overall universe (I'm a sucker for sci-fi worldbuilding), they did. However, there is basically nothing to a majority of sidequests. 90% of the game is copy-pasted across 100 planets. Basically the main thing they were banking on fell short. While there's definitely "a game" here, it doesn't have the "magic" of the other Bethesda games. Sad state of affairs. At least I didn't pay $70.