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Remmìembers when this game got incredibly negative review bombing from Twitter dudes because of it decided to censor/ remove some more controvertial imaginery? That was a weird time....

Btw I always respected the heck outta Skullgirls: it takes a formula that was really rare to see at the time of its original release (there weren't a lot of new tag-team fighters when it first showed up) and expands upon it by presenting an incredble artstyle that homages classic cartoons in an incredible way: every frame of animation is stunning, and can rival Juggernauts like Darkstalkers and KOF in terms of their presentation.

The presented world and characters, are also incredibly solid: able to combine the goofiness of a classic animated show with some darker tones and settings: it's a fun time that involves a really cool story and "lore" as well.

THe fighting game formula is also incredibly solid: this games feels lke a love letter to the versus series and other capcom titles, and you can feel it in the bombastic gameplay and engaging tag system, but that also doesn't shy away from giving interesting movesets to the characters.

THe only major issue with the game is the way smaller roster, which is an important aspect especially in a fighter based on tag teams: even if every character is treated with an incredible amount of care in their animations and balancing, there is not a lot to choose from with a roster of only 18.... luckily for use DLCs have been out for a while, and are able to offer some of the most requested newcomers from the community.

SKullgirls hascemented itself as a solid series for a reason: it's a great fighting game that combines a lot of things that made similar titles great, with an incredible presentation and memorable artsyle: it you are an MVC or a Darkstalkers fan, you cannot miss this.

(Also I main Beowulf and Cerebella, absolutely adore these 2)