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Over the years, Yoshi has been accused of many things, including being a fraud that does tax evasion and runs from the law.

Of course, it's hard to imagine that: there is no way one of Nintendo's most adorable and silly mascots can be this stinky.... until you remember that he once sold you a literal tech demo at full price, didn't elaborated and left the room while taking your clothes... and now you can kinda see Yoshi committing tax fraud!

I rememeber trying this game with the DS of a friend, and being charmed by the really adorable environments, cute graphics and cute use of the touch screen to creat clouds.... admittely I was a dumb kid, but this didn't stop me to ask my friend to rent the game for a bit and going past the cute but really simple first level, wondering what else the game had to offer...... OH, that was it! Huh.... well that sucked a lot.

I guess the touch screen was innovative for the time or something, but this is such a nothing experience that I am even surprised that it was able to get released on the market. I guess it can be considered a "silly arcade experience", where you try to aim for an higher score in the different (not that different) modes the game has to offer, but honestly... there are mobile games with more content than this. It would have been totally fine as a side mode for a Mario Party or a Yoshi Island entry, but on its own..... yeah no, sorry.

If you are searching for 5 sorta charming minutes where you use clouds to move around Baby Mario and make Yoshi go up and down (since he moves on its own).... honestly don't bother. Sorry.