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1 day

Last played

December 3, 2021

Platforms Played


Extremely interesting conceptually, with a really nice soundtrack to boot, but most of my playtime is probably just doing the dungeon crawling and puzzles rather than actually fighting enemies: the enemy encounters after you've learned how to fight them become fairly simple to deal with so they just become a bit of a nuisance as they do not drop any resources at all (if not stuff to unlock extra gear but eventually even that stops being useful). There's also no levels, most of your power ups will come from skills/armours/potion slots and knowledge of the game, which in itself is alright but I think it could've been done better. There is a new game+ to explore which changes up things to be harder but generally speaking the game is fairly easy, the combat can be somewhat cheesed with the skills which make you totally invincible and healing potions. The heals work in a way that they slowly heal you up over time but if you get hit you lose the health that it didn't heal. You can kind of go around this problem by healing up and then immediately using a skill, you'll be invincible during the whole time and heal up fully, so it really kinda cheeses it up a bunch. It doesn't help that parrying is very easy to do after you've learned the timing of it and it makes healing pointless.
At the very least the bosses are pretty cool and different, they're definitely the peak of the gameplay because they challenge your dodging and blocking skills.
Regardless of all of that it's a very unique game and I'm looking forward their next project and I hope despite the current controversy this game does pretty well.