18 Reviews liked by BartThompson

Such a unique, fun blast of a game! The writing is so clever and original, the battle system is familiar yet not dull and the visuals are so classic and colourful. It expertly manages to achieve the range from lighthearted humour to morbid dread without missing a step. It's certainly not flawless, but Earthbound does so much right that is deserves five stars for it's amazing individuality alone.

Honest review: the game has a lot of mechanics, without much depth to each one, there is a lack of explanation for any of them however and requires too much time on a wiki to understand what anything does.

Games require a lot of time dedication for multiplayer and can be decided quite quickly by early turns / RNG. I am bad at the game but can still keep up with much better players if I start next to natural wonders / huts. The game requires a lot of mods to improve the QoL, there are baseline mechanics that should be in the game but aren’t. Some leaders are absolutely useless and others are overturned.

BUT.. the game offers a more enjoyable single player experience against the AI. Actually being able to utilise more of the interesting mechanics within the game.

Chatting with friends as you play is a good way to pass time and i do get to listen to mum and dad argue about which one said they’d pack the Torre de Belem in Morgan’s overnight bag.

I want to enjoy Civ, but I find myself hitting the end turn button as fast as I can after the first 45 turns of the game and with 200 left to go. Probably just isn’t the game for me, maybe I’m smooth brain.