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September 1, 2023

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This review contains spoilers

Even better than the first! there's A L O T to unpack here tht i dont want to get hidden through the spoiler warning.. actually ill tag it spoilers anyways just to be safe

garten of banban 1 was totally just a prologue for the grander ideas tht they wanted to have for this little universe, it was free! had pretty much three examples of the puzzle types it had to offer! and it really stayed scarce with the monsters it was gonna show you to build them up more and more for whats to come, feed the questions and such

And im here 2 tell u... garten of banban 2 is way better than the first!... i mean like duh lmfao theres more monsters going on here, way more confident dives into the backstory of the kindergarten and all around its just a step up in every way

There are still some things im noticing not really being fixed and thats the laughably huge polygon count for so much of the models, the controller alone is probably why the game fluctuates in how well it runs from time to time and when its dark??.. its fucking BLAAAAAAAAAAAAAACK it is straight up just vanta void ass black like LMFAO LIKE ITS NOT EVEN SOMETHING YOU CAN SQUINT IN IF U INCREASE UR COMPUTER'S BRIGHTNESS.. because of this Nabnab(the spider)'s jumpscare sometimes worked on me and other times i just couldnt even see wtf he was doin it was funny. Tweaking your brightness settings to be max or low can absolutely impact that puzzle, but that puzzle alone is kinda IT! just something funny!

Otherwise the crux and meat of this game shows you the experimentation that goes on, banban's cunning and the shit he's capable of and what he wants to do going forward.. you only really get a taste of it! but he does seem to empathize or sympathize with you and even goes as far as to help you and give you tips for whats to come! Opila is back and im wondering if helping return her kids will make her an ally as well by the next game because despite what the kindergarten mural sayssss.. these guys are NOT working with all the same motives in mind like FNAF would suggest with chica, bonnie, foxy and freddy
infact i think any fnaf comparisons to this series suck rn because this is totally going for something diff
the drone customization is cool and i actually think overcoming each monster's unique little niche is awesome too i kinda hope there's MORE lean into the experimentation aspect of things so that way we can see what all of their REAL identities are...

at the end of the day, its as cheap as a pack of nuts from the gas station and it scared me a few times.. im sorry if this makes me sound less cool to you for having found enjoyment in this but like??? how could i hate this LMFAO
now if this was trying to charge 60 dollars per game or even 40 bucks, then id absolutely understand the outrage
but this(ironically enough especially after my finger wagging earlier a paragraph ago) is something fnaf Also did with releasing an absurd amount of sequels back to back within the span of a year with a myriad of similarities that Can be argued as superficial but also marginal adjustments that lead to be true.

final thoughts: I still unironically like this!!!!!! and no im not being paid or brainwashed swear on my mom! should you BUY it??? MM. dont know bout that
but my venture going forward was out of genuine curiosity and now im interested in whats gonna happen next with the story
Maybe its a little thing i got for weird games! Maybe its tolerance for simplicity with puzzles because of enjoyment i had with roblox obbies when i was young, but at the end of the day i like the models and the vibes these give off!! Now don't get it twisted though, this isnt like a revolutionary game to me and i dont think anyone shitting on these is unjustified JUST because the games are sold cheap, but like
u could do a hell of a lot worse

also embarrassing thing to note but like, this is technically a 40 minute long game
shorter than space funeral
and yet i clocked in like 2 or 3 hours in it bc i would get lost or googly eyed lookin up and down and thinking at stuff... hrm.
lets see how the third one is
i heard thats unironically the one that a lotta ppl can say feels the most like a Full product of a game but the irony pits are so deep with some people on these games I genuinely cant tell. I've even had to clarify like five times that me enjoying these isnt even a bit or ever was a bit rn which is hilarious but.. YEAH