Played 2 routes out of 12 before realizing this hipster trash was so unaware of how games worked that it had reinvented the concept of a visual novel without a chapter select feature. For this cardinal sin, it receives a D rank, 1 star, get over yourself.

I have no idea who this was meant to be for. Too simple and twee for adults, but juuust too cultured to be accessible for kids. Who is supposed to be laughing at the titular Brothers Beard for not knowing what single-origin espresso is? How is that the assumed frame of mind?

The Switch version is pretty terrible, as navigating a cursor with a joystick is always a negative experience, but somehow, this game also chugs. Was rending a dozen puffins on screen at once enough to tank the frame-rate to approaching single digits? The game legit froze at one point and forced me to close the software to get it to run again. I couldn't tell if the men being stuck in barrels at sea was some artistic statement about the futility of control in games or something - nope, just bad coding.

The twist reveal that this was all a marketing ploy to sell physical books of the games routes boggles the mind even more. They're still charging $4 for copies of a .pdf! With no discount for getting all 12! With art that looks just a little weirdly different than what's in the game! How did TIME magazine list this as one of their top ten games of the year? (rhetorical)

Shaking at the realization that lumberjack hipsters are becoming a dated look that might stand alongside pirates and gangsters as future Halloween costume themes instead of socially signifying urban cringe.

Reviewed on Jan 09, 2023
