Log Status






Time Played

8h 50m

Days in Journal

1 day

Last played

March 25, 2024

Platforms Played


Well, it starts as an easy ninja gaiden until you suddenly realize that it's not a ninja gaiden clone but a Celeste-like game, focusing heavily on the platforming as combat is really simple but effective.
Halfway through the game it changes from a linear sidescrolling to a metroidvania that has one of the worst backtracking requirements with a terrible fast travel system. I almost dropped the game due to this but I'm glad I continued.
The game never really picks up when it becomes a metroidvania but it never really felt like a bad game, just a cumbersome one.

The highlight of the game is the writing IMO, as I was always smiling if not outright laughing due to the writing. The story itself is not great but serviceable enough that keep the game running.
I absolutely recommend playing this game, however, be aware that this is not a sidescroller action game but a metroidvania with so much backtracking with terrible fast travel.