With patch 2.0 this game finally feels completed. In the state it should have been on launch. Balanced combat, good skill design, and an upgrade system with cyberware modifications instead of clothes-with-stats that fit the Cyberpunk theme infinitely more.

It took them a while, but this game went from "having potential" to being a new awesome edition to one's collection.

Just another one of those games with neat class designs, but a combat so soulless you may as well go outside and attack a tree.

The world is filled with fodder for you to grind, no mechanics, no combat. It ends up feeling so empty and shallow just like most MMOs that have you out-level 99% of the content.

There seem to be some redeeming sandbox mechanics to the game, not to be underestimated. I just don't want to play a fantasy Sims without good combat.

A good idea, a poor execution on multiple levels.

The expansion where they...
~Took us back in time to screw up the lore and write any doubles completely out of existence instead of using the other very lore-friendly and useful form of passive time travel already in the game.
~Made tanks so OP if everyone else died, you knew you still won the fight.
~Attempted new and "improved" open world content to keep zones relevant at max level! Not fun, sort of rewarding?
~Added half-assed "housing", only for it to be a real life negative more than an in-game benefit. Isolating players from each other.
~Added a mini-game that was more of a chore and even kept it for the next expansion despite complaints. At least it was profitable...
~Both improved and hurt professions. They made crafting a lot easier to skill up from 1, as sorely needed. While effectively making some professions worthless.

Another one bites the dust... Shutdown (in the west) very early on.

Adored this game, as the first MOBA I could tolerate for WASD movement alone. It had plenty going for it, except player interest in the west. Sigh

It got shutdown (in the west).

Overrated, truly. It's bad as a shooter, and as a hero/class-shooter.

You're either playing a character that lacks an actual gun, requiring zero skill as just facing the enemy lets you lock onto the target...

Or you're playing somebody with the most basic and boring ability, yes you usually just have the one.

Want a better version of this? Just play Paladins. (Yeah, I said it.)

Despite the negativity this expansion gets, this was where dungeons took a step in the right direction. Mechanics were more prominent, Crowd Control was actually required, each class was more well-rounded for encounters.

As for everything else this expansion changed... Welp lets not pretend like it was all good before this. Each expansion (+Vanilla) before it tore at what WoW was and the different reasons people liked it.

Before Cata, Vanilla had lackluster lore around raid bosses.
Before Cata, TBC changed raiding for better or worse. (Depends who you ask.)
Before Cata, Wrath really turned questing into what felt like a chore instead of a necessary process.

Another game shutdown... Then revived. Now simply "Pirates Online"

A very simple game, and yet it triggered a sense of adventure in many.

Another game I like, now shutdown.

I enjoyed the simplistic nature of it with the strategy that could go terribly wrong if you prepared poorly. Having to start all over can be tedious but when you can constantly recover from being bad the difficulty is a joke. So I thought it balanced enough as you progressed to higher difficulties, not always able to get an easy win or have to suffer a miserable defeat. Didn't seem multiplayer friendly enough unless you ran with friends though.

The game plays like your classic MMORPG, most quests are fodder with dialog you can snooze through. If this game has meaningful lore somewhere I guess it's behind some hidden scavenger hunt mechanic.

Movement is a special case, being able to move uniquely and awkwardly where sometimes you'll get all the height or distance you need and other times, nope.

The combat is where the game shines, shooting is as polished as any shooter should be, there's a nice variety of neat and useful weapons. Most enemies are pretty basic with some minor tricks so there's plenty requirement not to be careless, especially when you get to bossier enemies.

Abilities are like a joke, you have'em but 99% of the time you won't use them and if you even think about choosing one of the other ability sets you'll be "pleasantly" surprised to discover they're just as lackluster as the rest. Beyond emergency situations it feels like they shouldn't exist. (I can't even decide if that's a good or bad thing.)

Overall the game just feels cheap, the base game was really lacking to begin with, the majority of the content isn't worth going back to, the actual story feels too spread out between filler, and now that you're boosted ahead in gear-score they don't even want you acknowledging the beginning of the game. It has the true mark of a Korean-MMO, having no clear path so you are always wondering how they're going to ruin the content or progression for people next. Most often for new players.

What I think to be the best-made MMORPG... The quality of life features are top-notch, it's a top-tier polished game.

The level cap is 80 and stays there along with gear remaining at Ascended/Legendary quality. So it doesn't have never-ending gear progression, instead you can collect gear in a variety of stats to try different builds with each class for various benefits.

It IS a MMO, there's plenty of loots to collect. Skins of armor, gliders, mounts... Also mini's, toys, etc

The Combat can feel lackluster given the limited amount of spells you'll use at any given time but you can customize your build as needed from a variety of skills, passive and spells. There's a variety of different kind of mechanics to follow, open world content is casual, dungeons have gotten easier, Fractals & Raids scale up the highest in difficulty.

The story is a mostly narrow narrative but does take you from place to place not lingering on one thing too long. You're given multiple choice sometimes for different approaches to a problem but the end results are the same. It is often political and dramatic, but sticks with the fantasy theme. Overall it's fine and has some fun characters but nothing too exciting... If you're bored by DRAGONS trying to deal with foreign invaders, humanity.

Content - Achievements/Collections. Solo/Co-op Story instances. Jumping Puzzles. Mini-games/-dungeons w/ glider, mounts, & more. Guild Events. Ley-Line Anomalies. Bounties. World Bosses. Meta events. Dungeons. Fractals. Raids. World vs World. PvP.

Thanks to some dedicated fans, this game is revived as Skylords Reborn. They even got permission to do so! Best part, 100% free to play.

It's not your traditional "card" game. You use cards simply as a way of organizing your deck, and then you summon those units, structures, and spells you've mixed and matched to dispose of your enemy. There are four main types, Fire/Red, Frost/Blue, Shadow/Purple, Nature/Green. Then there's a few variations to those such as Fire and Shadow, etc.

For a RTS it's less spam-a-lot than it is strategy oriented... No wonder it failed right? Making people think to win, what a sin! Except it's still pretty straight-forward unless you're playing on the hardest difficulties. However, the strategies you can employ with the various types of units, towers, and spells can be interesting if you're creative enough.

~Campaign mode offers three difficulties, Standard, Advanced, Expert. There's also single, duo, quad, and twelve-player maps. 1, 2, 4 Maps you can all SOLO if you're good enough.
~PvP has 1 on 1, 2 on 2, and 3 on 3 unranked maps. Ranked is 1s and 2s.
~Random PvE maps give you areas with different layouts each time but they are very similar straight-forward paths you must push through and kill all your enemies in to win. You're also racing the clock. Difficulty range is 1 through 10. 1, 2, and 4 player.
~Custom maps are from players that made their own campaign-style map, so because of that they can be more difficult or a push-over. Fun-fun. (I'm unsure if you can still create any.)