Real ones

Games I adore.

Fills me with a rare feeling. I've played a lot of games in my time - far too many, if I'll be honest. I often find myself playing something other laud as a groundbreaking new exploration of genre or visuals where it only leaves me thinking I'm experiencing deja vu. Cuccchi is one of the recent cases of me playing a modern game and it feeling genuinely otherworldly. Visually, this is unparalleled, I've never seen anything else like it. Even on replays, I find myself stopping in my tracks, just to pan the camera around and take in what I'm being presented, both to take in its beauty, and to try to understand its composition.
I am so hungry for the further exploration of games as vehicles for concept albums, digital museums or virtual mausoleums.

Cucchi is Intensely reverent of an artist I'd otherwise never heard of; Enzo Cucchi (pronounced "cookie"). His artwork is wonderfully realised, riding the wave of expressionism and shaking its own visual conventions with surprising regularity. Something about the low-resolution rendering direction somehow lends every scene from every angle a genuinely painterly feel. The music is astounding too, remarkably reactive to the player's position in the world.
So naturally, the catch is that it has a certain lack of confidence in itself. One of the central mechanical pillars of the game is the task of finding collectables and avoiding skulls in Windows 95 maze screensaver-esque sequences. The levels themselves are peppered with collectable artwork for you to later inspect via a submenu, which adds some annoying blemishes to the landscapes. No reason for any of this to be here at all, I'll be frank, just because you're a game doesn't mean you have to carry their baggage. The heart and soul of the Cuccchi is the exploration of sight and sound, that's all it needed.

The game has recently received an update that adds a few more levels and songs to what was present at the time of writing, as well as a difficulty setting modifier you can use to outright remove the enemies! Sadly, the maze segments remain - and with a distracting sense of emptiness if you choose to remove the hostile annoyances. An imperfect solution, but it's nice that the experience can be tuned none the less.
Marvelous: Mouhitotsu no Takarajima
Marvelous: Mouhitotsu no Takarajima
It truly is Marvelous. Instantly my new favourite Zelda game. Forgoes dungeons & combat, and instead focuses on exploration, puzzles and Warioware adjacent minigames. Manages to be wholly unrepetitive through a focus on introducing new scenarios and rewarding experimentation. Boggles the absolute fucking mind that this wasn't localised officially, immoral of Nintendo to keep such a secret. Grab the fan translation!
Gamera 2000
Gamera 2000
holy fuck
Magic Wand
Magic Wand
Every single line of dialogue in this game fills me with pure unbridled joy.
There isn't a miss.
Warning Forever
Warning Forever
more games like this please I fucking beg you
It's Winter
It's Winter
Reach out and touch your computer monitor. It's warm, like flesh. But it is not flesh. Not yet.
Tarotica Voo Doo
Tarotica Voo Doo
The story behind the development of this game is rather cute, much of which is outlined in the wonderful design document it comes packaged with. Development started in 1993 for the MSX as a hobbyist undertaking and reached a presentable state around 1997, where it was intended to be shown off at Comiket. Sadly, Ikushi Togo's disk drive crashed, causing a dramatic loss of the machine language source code and other data. After a lull of many years where Tarotica Voo Doo would lay dormant, an old demo rom was eventually showcased at Comiket in 2014 and received such tremendous support and praise, the developer realised he had to see the game through. Rather than taking the comparatively easy route and developing the game with more modern tools, they instead stuck to their guns and rewrote the game completely from scratch, once again for the MSX.
A self-imposed challenge that paid dividends - Tarotica Voo Doo operates under its hardware restrictions with such clear clarity of intent, filled with design quirks rare and unseen in games old and new. Where the visual style is indeed crude; being the product of mouse-drawn pixel art, it complements the uniquely tactile control scheme to the point where it feels like flicking through charming flipbook animations - watching the mansion map fill out in the same vein as a growing doodle on a bored schoolkid’s workbook margin. The developer has expressed that they find games less interesting when actions are automated, and Tarotica Voo Doo’s puzzling and combat incorporates an utterly fascinating control scheme that demands deliberate movement and interaction. It’s no surprise to me that the developer has their eyes on getting a project to the Playmate system.
I wanted to be a little vague, this is a 2-hour game that deserves to be played and appreciated. I swear to god I think this mansion has left an imprint on me.
ACA Neo Geo: Neo Turf Master
ACA Neo Geo: Neo Turf Master
The word "scoundrel" clings to you like a dying lover. Slave to a thousand metas - power, to you, is not a means but an end. People talk about you behind your back, but what is the gossip of worms to an Eagle?
Patchwork Heroes
Patchwork Heroes
The one thing Qix truly needed was prisoners of war. This is a childhood fav I return to every so often - a simple premise done stylishly! If you don't find slicing airships apart with a large pair of scissors cathartic I don't even want to know you.


8 months ago

this list is basically the best rec list for me wtf

8 months ago

I'm u

3 months ago

Thanks for writing detailed reasons for the entries in this list. Always appreciate it when people do that in their "my fav games" lists.

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