Real ones

Games I adore.

Honestly I just think it looks and sounds really cool. Respecting the fucking nerve to be rendered in such a grotty resolution and also to have the worst font ever concocted.
more games like this please I fucking beg you
the shmup that hit my aesthetic sensibilities just right. kind of ideal.
The one thing Qix truly needed was prisoners of war. This is a childhood fav I return to every so often - a simple premise done stylishly! If you don't find slicing airships apart with a large pair of scissors cathartic I don't even want to know you.
holy fuck
Every single line of dialogue in this game fills me with pure unbridled joy.
There isn't a miss.
Reach out and touch your computer monitor. It's warm, like flesh. But it is not flesh. Not yet.
With three precise taps of the X button, Everybody's Golf: World Invitational swings the nine-iron in one meticulously executed master stroke, launching the entire golf genre through the firmament. "Nice shot!" exclaims the caddy.

Simply think this is magical, not even just my favourite golf game - it's my primo Sports Game. To the gills with charm, personality in its playable cast and attention to detail in its realisation of the myriad courses on offer.
The word "scoundrel" clings to you like a dying lover. Slave to a thousand metas - power, to you, is not a means but an end. People talk about you behind your back, but what is the gossip of worms to an Eagle?


8 months ago

this list is basically the best rec list for me wtf

8 months ago

I'm u

3 months ago

Thanks for writing detailed reasons for the entries in this list. Always appreciate it when people do that in their "my fav games" lists.

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