One of those forever-games that you can always come back to and recommend to people new to video games. Combat is overall boring but the amount of character poured into this game is eternal.

I'm actually god awful at this game but incredibly good.

Have played alot but it's really about just catching pokemon and having a giant pokedex than actual strategic battles.

Timeless game. A pillar of rougelikes and forever one of the most fun games of all time.

Everything about this game is so captivating. Probably one of my most admired games out there.

Got this at an age where it was literally the first time I learned a video game could be very hard. Have never beat it.

Immensely fun platformer. Wish that some tiny's weren't so tedious to get though.

First game I ever played in my life that made me realize games could be bad.

These are like the Batman games but actually fun and interesting