the peglin fandom is dying! share if you love pegging

It's a cute platformer with an interesting enough gimmick to stand out from the games it tries to emulate (A Hat in Time, Super Mario Galaxy, etc.) The "race" style levels were definitely my favorite and are reminiscent of the tongue surfing from SpongeBob: Battle for Bikini Bottom.
Mail Mole himself is really cute, so it's unfortunate that most of the time he's on screen he's underground and not actually readily visible. The inclusion of un-skippable cutscenes and having the game force you back to the hub world after completing a stage for the first time also made it a lot harder to quickly restart a level to try for a better time or collect all the radishes.
At first I found the controls really frustrating, but as soon as I switched to using a controller I had a lot more fun and once I got the hang of it I could actually see myself going back to previous levels to speedrun them.

In the end, Molty the Mail Mole was able to deliver my mail on time and looked very cute doing so.