This was available for free on the PC when I was around 12, but only the haunted house table was available as a trial. I enjoyed playing it and wanted to relive the nostalgia, so I downloaded it. However, I did not enjoy any of the tables apart from the haunted house one. I find pinball to be somewhat pointless and I have never been good at it, as I always lose all the balls within minutes lol. Ok as a time waster, but it’s a game which has no ending if you’re good at it. I prefer games to have an end.

I enjoyed playing this game, but I don't like the survival challenges because they don't provide clear indications of when they are finished. It seems that in order to complete them, you must intentionally lose the game. Nonetheless, it is still a fun game to play. I appreciate the graphics and mystical theme.

Not bad. But annoying after a while. I don't like the triumphant music after the game. I also can't complete the challenges. Can complete the main quest though.

I regret buying this, I can't pass any of the games. I am very bad at video games. Controls are awkward. Can't figure out how to do anything lol

I have been a longtime big fan of AKB48, but I only know the names of one or two members. I purchased this game because I really love their music and the game seemed very fun to me. I specifically bought a Japanese 3DS for this game. Despite not knowing any Japanese (only a few words here and there when spoken but nothing written), I found it extremely difficult to navigate the game. I had to improvise while playing, so I had no idea what I was doing. However, I found the games quite enjoyable and liked seeing myself as an AKB48 member. I am unsure how to improve my performance in the game, as I think I finished and scored second? Knowing Japanese would definitely make it easier for me. I am not sure if I will play it again because my lack of Japanese makes it challenging to follow and understand how to play.

no idea what convinced me to purchase the japanese version of this, combined with how bad I am with video games. I fail every sport here lol

Not bad. Played the pc version on bigfish games too, it’s just too simple and has no powerups apart from a hammer so it’s not very fun

No idea why I payed for this. Within minutes I was stuck by a log and mud. For the life of me I couldn’t figure out how to fix what I’d done. Never been good at these types of games.

Dreadful. Didn’t enjoy it at all when it came out.

I was excited to play this, but I just didn’t find it enjoyable. I don’t know why. I guess I found the tracks uninteresting and too busy for me. I didn’t like the way the game operated and the controls. The fact Grouchy Smurf wasn’t in it bothered me a little too I guess.

I had been wanting to play this game for many years and finally obtained an emulator to play it. However, I struggle with navigating and get easily confused in games, which made the experience frustrating for me. Emulating a game intended for a different computer caused a lot of lag, and the busy graphics further complicated things for me. Additionally, there was an issue with a memory game in which it was not registering my clicks, preventing me from progressing. I exited the game and upon returning, I discovered that I had lost all of my progress. Unfortunately, I was unable to finish the game, which was disappointing. Not going to try it again or any emulator, as the emulator messed up my entire laptop and I had to reset everything on my laptop. NEVER AGAIN

Unfortunately, too hard for me.

I can’t stand this game, could barely lass a few levels then no more. Too hard for me

Had no idea what I was doing and I felt nauseous playing it

Fairly fun rhythm game but the difficulty drives me insane and the songs are bit annoying. Haven’t been able to pass it due to difficulty. You have to be very good with picking up rhythm (not just tapping when needed, you need to know the beat as well)