8 Reviews liked by BeeJ

first kirby game i got into in years! started crying a few times because i love him sm

This is the first Kirby game I’ve ever played, but this has made me a fan of the pink puffball. Truly fantastic level design and the vibes were immaculate from start to finish. With the cheery music, incredible controls, and inventive power-ups, it was impossible to have a frown on my face while exploring the Forgotten Land. Also, first game I played on my OLED and those colors were popping!

It's been 16 years and I still think about how horseshit it was when the game put you in the ring against Ric Flair in an unwinnable fight. I could literally kick his ass irl

"Ok well we can't get any licenses for like any of the Shonen Jump stuff, so what if we just make every possible shonen trope in one fighting game, so we've got like a fake jojo and a fake sports anime and a magical girl but we own all of them."
"sounds great, Smartest Person Alive. One question, though: who's the boss"
"hm. how about the obvious fanservice mascot?"
"Maybe, but last bosses are evil. How can we make him evil"
"He grows to like kaiju size and then you get made big too but he's still enormous."
"Well, fantastic. congratulations on so many perfect ideas at once. I'm sure we'll be rewarded with success and notoriety."

Made my brother rage so hard by playing Anakaris and saying things in a crusty voice that he wrote a 30 line angry review. Best game ever.

You could play this game for thousands of hours and never get tired of it

This is the best RPG ever made. Fuck you, go play it.