Imagine if after putting out Mario Odyssey, Nintendo turned around and put out New Super Mario Bros U. for the same price. Wait...

The third time Nintendo has followed up a genius shakeup in a tired franchise with a full price remaster of the most tired and bland game in the series. If you've gone through teething, you'll probably beat Return to Dreamland Deluxe without dying. And in Kirby tradition, any potentially challenging content is locked behind 4 hours of autopilot gaming.

And stop giving Kirby screen clearing power ups, I can only watch a group of 3 waddle dees go poof a few times before my eyes glaze over.

I should state I have no problems with easy games. Forgotten Land was super easy, but it had imagination, charm and new ideas up the arse. Now its followed up by a remaster of a game that's basically all the ideas that NEEDED a shake up delicately planted in a row for the same price.

Sadly, not even co op can liven this up because its basically 4 guys fighting to be the one who gets to do anything. Play this one with your kids.

Reviewed on Feb 25, 2023


You're not wrong, I liked Return to Dreamland but it ain't in my top 5 Kirby games and this version looks worse and is $60

1 year ago
