Modern Pokémon game discourse is looking at a pretty average game and choosing to either handwave every issue and bootlick for the giant corporation or obsessively hate on every aspect no matter how petty and blame it on the "laziness" of individual workers while never so much as mentioning the legitimate issues behind the scenes like crunch culture/restrictions caused by deadlines

Reviewed on Oct 15, 2023


6 months ago

Cool review of society! But what are your thoughts on the video game in question?

6 months ago

at the risk of sounding snide i feel like "most painfully average game imaginable" was not hard to isolate

6 months ago

@Killbutt I thought it was ok but picked up in the final stretch. My main issues are the open world gimmick being badly executed imo, the whole thing with the game barely being able to function, and a lot of stuff surrounding presentation but the game gave us Larry so it's worth existing.
@averypaledog Fair. I was trying to be hyperbolic so if it didn't come across that way, I'm sorry. Despite my gripes, I do get why a lot of people really like SV specifically.

6 months ago

I sometimes kinda wonder how much in good taste it really was for me to talk about how much I enjoyed this last year, and cheered about all the funny buggy instances that happened in my playthroughs at the probable expense of overworked developers when in any other instance I'd be complaining about the same shit in other AAA titles. I guess we're all hypocrites in the end, but they truly were cooking in those last few hours.

Sorry to babble in your comment section, but it kinda suddenly made me reflect a bit since we're coming up on a year of these games being out. (begging time to stop moving, I don't want to get any older)

6 months ago

oh i was responding to kill not you lol. i haven't played sv so i have no dog in this race

6 months ago

@Vee I'd say so long as we make an effort to discuss problems like crunch when they surface and don't actively contribute to making things worse (ex. general bootlicking, crossing picket lines when strikes occur, etc.), it's fine to enjoy games associated with those issues. The fact of the matter is that these issues are too widespread in the industry to isolate to just a couple bad actors.