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BiggieZeke commented on syremintheflesh's review of Detroit: Become Human
I wouldn’t put this on Sony, more on the developer Quantum Dream who’s been making these kind of games for years with interactive stories and tanky/clunky gameplay. I’m a fan but I totally see how people can be turned off by it.

6 days ago

BiggieZeke earned the Replay '14 badge

6 days ago

BiggieZeke finished Helldivers 2
Love PvE games and this is fun with friends. Tons of hilarious and tough moments to keep me coming back for the rest of the year

6 days ago

BiggieZeke finished Silent Hill: The Short Message
I came in playing this game with no prior Silent Hill experiences. Haven’t played any of them, but I plan to sometime down the line. I have a feeling this barely had anything to do with them but I don’t know for sure.

The game was okay to play, more downs than ups that’s for sure. I felt like the story was okay for the subject matter, pretty cliche but still had a decent message to send to the players. The lore was presented through brief notes and live action clips. The “Silent Hill phenomenon” was only mentioned once so I’m guessing that’s the only way this game was tied to the franchise and other games. Could be totally wrong.

Gameplay could’ve been at a faster pace, at least with the walking. Was such a slog it didn’t make the game feel any scarier, speaking of…game was barely scary or had a horror feel. Only during some of the chase sequences did I feel scared. The chasing as well was super confusing and provided no sense of direction. If anyone was able to finish the 3rd chase without help, hats off to yall!

I’m content that the game was short, otherwise more death cycles and gameplay loops would be a massive waste of time. I would recommend this game since it’s free. Maybe it’s up someone’s alley.

6 days ago

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