As close to a true Free to Play MMO you're going to get.

Okay, sure if you're gonna go "all-in" with Path of Exile, it is near-mandatory to invest in expanding storage space. But there is no pay-to-win, no boosts to pay and no way to gain a competitive edge other than "get gud" gameplay.

It's a simple game to play with a HUGE, complex layers underneath that are thankfully, not thrown at your face at once and the community is so helpful and on-top, that builds, mechanic advice, overlays and anything else that will stump you is easy to find and easy to read/use. Just beware that the mechanics have a huge shift themselves per each milestone update.

The amount of content is had (and receives) does make things a bit more daunting, on top of the already massive mechanics it can be a bit headache inducing and even cause some anxiety. But again, to the game's credit, it does try and slowly bring you into these things rather than put it on one plate and expect you to consume it in one go. And it also takes into account that when you do encounter them, you're not expected to go far until late-game

Yes, PoE can be daunting and if you're looking for "wow!" graphics, this game won't deliver it (but it does give that classic Diablo charm, even after all these years.) but it is worth the time sink.

As someone said, Path of Exile is "Diablo III for diehard Diablo II fans."

Rating: 9/10

Reviewed on Jul 15, 2023
