A Good, Bite-Size RPG

The presentation is spot on. Excellent visuals (with impressive lighting) and quality music make this an indie attraction. Really the only blemish is repeated NPC and enemies but it's a small nitpick.

The combat is decent, only challenging when enemies have high hp or hit hard, but overall it's nothing to shout about. The final battle is a bit of a slog and somewhat anti-climatic.

Also, the game is very short, clocking in about 12 hours. That includes the (few) sidequests. Your mileage may vary on if this is a good thing or bad thing.

The characters are more than one-dimensional. It's amazing how much you learn about the main characters without there being a long arc or over-dramatic cutscenes and the NPC's are also amusing. Jack Move actually encourages you to talk to NPCs not just for questing but for funny banter. Noa is a very good lead, balancing sassyness with enough vulnerabilities to make her enduring.

Despite the issues, I would say this is worth a playthrough. There is no new game+ nor any difficulty options so replayability is low. But there is potential for a sequel and the developers clearly have talent.

Rating: 7/10

Reviewed on Jul 15, 2023
