61 Reviews liked by BlakeMower

The minigames are goddamn annoying. The story is bland and undercooked. The artwork looks like they just colored in the sketches made during storyboarding. The "animations" are just using the distortion tool in photoshop. The voice "acting" is phoned in and sounds like they just accepted every first take. If there was an ounce of love or care put into this game, its very well hidden. Why did they even bother? I know I shouldn't have.

Nancymeter - 25/100
Achievement Completion - 38%

Ghostwire Tokyo is a weird game. Its more bloated than some of the ghouls walking its streets, and I didn't really understand much of the story. But I loved basically every second of it. The enemy designs, the setting, the lore, the color palette, the rain, the yokai... all of it is just so damn cool. Living in the world of Ghostwire Tokyo was an absolute dream, even if much of the actual game is busywork.

Storywise I don't have much to say but I did really like the main characters and it had some really cool levels. Where the storytelling really shines is the side quests. Despite its abundance, not all the side content is meaningless. Most of the side missions actually have some effort into them and are really cool and unique. Thanks to the free Spiders Thread update, there's a new quest chain in a haunted school that was absolutely phenomenal. Even if you ignore all the relics and other collectibles, it really is rewarding to at least check out all the quests.

Then there's the combat. Much like the rest of the game it is repetitive but still really fun. My only real complaint is that i never really felt like I needed to use the different elements much. But with how flashy it is and how cool the enemies are, it never really got old for me. Plus with how condensed the map is and how easy it is to grapple and glide around everywhere, the gameplay loop was consistently engaging. All the collectibles were just an excuse for me to spend more time in the world. Despite the downright unnecessary amount of collectibles, I still went for the platinum because I wanted to spend every second playing the game that I could.

I very much love a lot of what Ghostwire has going for it, but it still has a lot of room for improvement. From the leaked Microsoft court documents it has been confirmed that a sequel was at least once considered, but who really knows what the plans are now. I can't say I'm optimistic about its likelihood. But just knowing it was in the talks has given me a little bit of hope. I'm very grateful this game exists, and a Ghostwire 2 would instantly shoot its way up to my top 5 most anticipated games.

Nancymeter - 89/100
Trophy Completion - 100% (Platinum #272)
Time Played: 31 hours 42 minutes
Completion #5 of October
Completion #197 of 2023

𝟐𝟎𝟐𝟑 𝐒𝐩𝐨𝐨𝐤𝐞𝐲 𝐒𝐞𝐚𝐬𝐨𝐧 𝐌𝐚𝐫𝐚𝐭𝐡𝐢𝐨𝐧
#𝟏𝟔 𝐅𝐚𝐢𝐭𝐡: 𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐔𝐧𝐡𝐨𝐥𝐲 𝐓𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐢𝐭𝐲

After a few days of sitting on the game I wish I had more to say about it but I don’t really have anything I wanna go super in-depth with.

As a whole I think the game is pretty good with an amazing style that goes well beyond a stylistic gimmick and does some pretty unsettling body horror imagery with the rotoscoped pixel art, on the story front however is where I’m more uninterested with and have no strong feeling one way or the other. The game is split into 3 chapters and each chapter follows the events of a preacher trying to save the life of a possessed woman enraptured in a sinister cult. Now that is a super simplistic breakdown of the story and there is a lot more meat to find in the game through lore logs and secret enemy encounters but to be honest I find possession narratives and evil cults like the least interesting stories in the horror medium. Not to say these stories are bad; hell Exorcist and Hereditary are some of my favorite horror movies of all time, but outside of the rare few exceptions they mostly follow the same story just with a new gimmick. Possession are over done to death and personally I think evil secret cults are the lamest antagonistic force you can have for your story, like think of a time where you really liked where a movie or story is going and then you find out “oh all of the events that are happening are because of a evil satanic cult” it feels like getting all the fun just sucked right out of you, and if I’m being honest that’s how this game made me feel too.

Apparently the game was released chapter by chapter and I can see that in the story because it FEELS like it was being written as it was going along. I’m sure the lead dev had an idea of where he wanted the story to go over time; but there isn’t a good narrative flow going from chapter 1 to 2, and especially three.
Chapter 1 feels very much like a story reaching the end with the player only having a small idea of the greater narrative, chapter 2 gives a little more context of the events in chapter 1 but starts introducing new shit that was never felt like it fit into the pre-existing narrative, and then chapter 3 just goes full in on the cult stuff and then when I honestly stopped paying attention to the overall narrative because like I said before I personally don’t like it when stories throw in evil satanic cult where they really didn’t need to be there, I’ve always just seen it as a lazy story trop.
Before you ask why I felt like it had a bad narrative flow when what I describe was a kind of basic sounding 3 act structure; well it technically is, but chapters 1 and 2 are full of so many pointless red herring that go nowhere and serve no purpose to the main character arc or the overall story; the only explanation I can think of for why their in the game is the lead dev had ideas and plans for these plot threads but didn’t fall thought with them for one reason or another; which is fine if true and to be fair can be natural problem when it comes to releasing a game episodically, but it still leaves the game feeling really unsure of what the overall story is trying to be all the way up too chapter 3.

I know it sounds like I didn’t like the game’s story and while I don’t like cult twist or most possession stories I could honestly care less about the story, I was never as invested in the game’s story from the start so when it started going down the evil cult road I just kind of accepted it and stopped paying as much attention as I was before. I know that makes a lot of my criticism disingenuous since I really didn’t see the game on its level after awhile but I’m just writing what the game made me feel and I feel apathetic towards the game’s narrative. That’s honestly why I don’t like qualifying my more recent stuff as “reviews” more so just personal thoughts on games I’ve been playing recently. Now with all of that being said; I’d still recommend the game to people who are interested in the game, manly because most of my “issues” are not with the game and more of a personal thing, plus the game is oozing with so much style and talented work that I’d be crazy not to recommend it to someone if it at least looked interesting from a passing glance, after all that’s why I decided to play it. I’m sorry if this reads like I’m writing my thoughts as I go along, it’s 3AM as I write this and I’m about to go to bed so to make a long story short; this is one of those case where it’s not the game’s fault for me not fulling vibing with it, it’s just a me thing.
Trust me this has happened more than once and I kinda hate it, especially when it was something I wanted to love.

𝟐𝟎𝟐𝟑 𝐒𝐩𝐨𝐨𝐤𝐞𝐲 𝐒𝐞𝐚𝐬𝐨𝐧 𝐌𝐚𝐫𝐚𝐭𝐡𝐢𝐨𝐧
𝟏𝟕# 𝐒𝐚𝐫𝐚 𝐢𝐬 𝐌𝐢𝐬𝐬𝐢𝐧𝐠

Awwww good old 2016 youtube fodder content.

I wanted to go back at this game out of a curiosity to see if it still held any value as game rather than a short footnote in the history of shock indie game fodder for content hungry youtubers, and while I think the concept is genuinely interesting and a spooky concept, it’s bogged down by a very liner structure, not taking full use of it’s concept only scratching the surface of it’s own potential, and a very lame story that stretches its concept way too far past the realm of believability. (looks like I’ll be adding this game to the list of media where an interesting idea is ruined by the “oh it was a cult the whole time” trop.)
I know there's other versions of this game and I might try them out later to see if they ironed out the issues I have but that’s for another day, as for Sara is Missing; it’s a neat concept game.

(maybe the Doctor Who version will be better………..what you think I’m joking no theres a version of this game but it’s set in the Doctor Who universe, I don’t know if it’s good or bad I just think it’s really interesting that some obscure indie devs were able to work on an officially licensed Doctor Who game just because their demo concept game got popular. That’s like the shit dreams are made of.)

Took a tiny break cause I just got Lies of P, but now I’m back to this

Five Nights at Freddy’s 3, I must say I was hoping on this replay that I would appreciate this game more, I thought it was mid when I first played it back then, but maybe I was just young and dumb, and that’d I’d like it more now………..that is not the case.
Don’t get me wrong there’s a lot of good stuff, but it’s all tied together with some very boring elements that just make this game very eh.

I’ll start with my positives, firstly the lore, I love what this game added to the series in terms of lore, tying a lot of things set up in the previous games together, like the five murdered children being put to rest, or the puppet’s goal of freeing the children, and of course, this game finally brings William Afton into the spotlight, featuring him as the game’s main antagonist.
Speaking of William Afton, Springtrap, easily the best designed animatronic in the series, I love how creepy he looks, all the details like how decayed the suit is and the corpse spread around throughout the suit, it’s a phenomenal design, makes him feel like a true monster, like this is what the five children basically saw him as when he killed them.
This game looks ugly, but it’s definitely intentional, Fazbear’s fright is rundown as shit, and it adds to the atmosphere a lot, the shitty cameras also help build that unease………..if only the rest of the game did that.

Ok now the bad, gameplay is fucking boring, a lot of the scare factor from the previous two games is gone, instead replaced with 8000 phantom jumpscares that are seen so many god damn times throughout the nights, none of the jumpscares are scary especially Springtrap’s one.
I like the ideas this game has, the phantoms are a cool idea and having to keep one animatronic away is neat, but I just don’t think the game capitalizes on it well at all.
The whole reboot system with the ventilation, audio, and cameras is again a neat idea, but just not really used all that well in execution.

Overall this game is a big downgrade from 2, but I do know that there are some good games coming ahead.

Onto FNAF 4

This game gives me so much nostalgia lol

Made a video on why dark knight rises stinks, Thats really all

Chris Pratt is Star-Lord. Shut your goofy irritating ass up bitch!

I went into this with some low ass expectations after the god-awful dreck that was Marvel's Avengers, but I will admit when I was wrong because this game is a good as time.

The writing, for the most part, is honestly not that bad, it's not James Gunn and it fully knows that so it tries to go for a more video-gamey feel and it more or less succeeded in what it was trying.

The combat is something that I was dreading since from all the previews it looked boring and unengaging, once again I was super wrong. Once combat is in motion and you're in the moment everything becomes a lot more fast passed. The way the combat feels reminds me of janky 7th gen games; where they're janky and off-putting they have this charm that you just can't resist, that is this game's combat. Oh, also it's pretty much just want Mass Effect Andromeda tried doing but better making that game look even more like a steering pile of shit in comparison.

The story was pretty ok. It's not gonna blow you away and compared to the last good Marvel game Spider-Man PS4 it doesn't reach the same fantastic heights that game had but it does reach it a handful of times.

I think visually it looks fantastic, everything from the planets; to the aliens, everything gives me this feeling of an 80s Heavy Metal cover and I go crazy for that shit.

Overall I was gonna give this game an 8 and that would be it but then we had this outstanding fight with 𝗥𝗘𝗗𝗔𝗖𝗧𝗘𝗗, and I shit you not that was an amazing boss fight. Every boss fight with a 𝗥𝗘𝗗𝗔𝗖𝗧𝗘𝗗 needs to have Kickstart my Heart in it from now on.

best game to play during boring classes

too short but the combat and tech is crazy. i love making people float then slamming them against pure concrete. i swear spiderman doesnt kill but he fucks these people up with manhole covers and shit. manhole. manwhole. a snake swallowed a man whole. the man lived for 5 hours before succumbing to snake.

Short horror-puzzle game with great atmosphere give this game a go.

Pretty fun puzzle game, with just enough environmental storytelling given to the player to be able to piece together the game's story.
Would I say I like this more than Limbo, eeehhhh yes and no, yes in that I like the aesthetic and the body horror, and no because I think the puzzles were much better in Limbo; let me just say if I'm good at a puzzle game then it's not doing a very good job with its puzzles because I'm a fucking idiot.

I'd say I like them both equally but for very different reasons.