11 reviews liked by BleakSeaFoam

An incredibly half-assed collection of two great games and Super Mario Sunshine. This is a shameless cash grab.

Super Mario 64 should have been 1080p 16:9 60 FPS instead of 720p 4:3 30 FPS.

Super Mario Sunshine needs a checklist for blue coins since trying to mentally keep track is a nightmare. Some of the more BS levels need tweaks as well (e.g., the pachinko and lilly pad stages). The framerate is still capped at 30, which is inexcusable.

All three titles should've received completely reworked graphics as well (like the Crash and Spyro trilogy remakes, which were also $60).

Super Mario Galaxy 2 shouldn't have been omitted.

The FOMO "Disney Vault" approach Nintendo took when selling this is disgusting. They are one of the most blatantly disrespectful companies in the industry when it comes to game preservation. Nintendo has always been greedy and anti-consumer (like virtually every other publicly traded for-profit corporation), but they've gotten especially bad in the Switch era.

A very stupid move on Nintendo's part

There are a number of "of it's time" frustrating point and click hang-ups here. But the vibe of this piece is something that will stick with you for a long time.

I would give it a 5/5 because gay rabbit and dog but fuck that red paint puzzle in 202 single-handedly brought it down

Same as before, literally amazing. Why can't more games be this funny and charming. Short and sweet.

Really fun until the game forces you to organize things a certain way

I didn't think it was possible for such a short game to overstay its welcome.

comfort game, very nostalgic, but very very easy and lacks zombie variety.

This is the official DooM game equivalent to a kid spamming Bowsers in Mario Maker.