Otocky 1987

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Days in Journal

1 day

Last played

September 29, 2023


A novel idea to complete a catchy melody via your own projectiles but as the notes that are produced can't be used by the player when he wants, unless it's done sticking to a rythm, the music that ends up as the final product of the set rythm and the input of the "player-artist" are technically random noises that are not able to consistently be replicated to make music that can be used to communicate something.

This is just nice sounding noises, though I commend the programmers to be able to make them at least sound nice in the first place even for players with the worst sense of rythm of the world, and it's very amusing to hear those noises despite the fact you are trying to dodge a lot of things on screen that forces you to be pragmatic instead of artistic... Despite the fact you can only shoot in rythm.

Yeah... I don't think it's that good of an idea as everyone claims it is despite the originality. Just play well to unlock the level beats in the music maker mode because there's not a lot of value in the shooter half of the experience