8 reviews liked by Bobsicles

There is nothing, NOTHING on the face of this planet, hell in the entire UNIVERSE that I despise more than you. Global warming, shooters, nazis, racism, terrorism, Michael Bay, they all pale in comparison to you. You stupid piece of good for nothing, pathetic trash.

we were long ago abandoned and forced to wander aimlessly in our misery

i now work for both microsoft and Linux, at the same time. thank you rabbids coding



Honestly, I'd rate this shit zero stars if absolutely possible. This shit was written by some edgy "they dont know how broken i am inside </3" jackass. This shit is so boring fuck this game.

Raven Beak is the best. He is strong and powerful and Samus has no chance of defeating him. His abs could crush rocks and he doesn't need wings to fly.

there are two things i remember about this game. one, that it was on ps2, and two, that i thought it was one of the best games ever made. i was also like four years old

Got to play this with the devs once and it ended up just being a learning experience of how maps work. As we tore maps apart. Because that's what this is. Tearing maps apart. It's way more fun than it should be lmao

THIS WAS MAGICAL. Oh my god this is like the ultimate love letter to Source Engine nostalgia. If you grew up on Steam, please play this. You won't regret it.