53 Reviews liked by BombasticB


The explosive action and crushing difficulty are all here, brought to you by the folks at Treasure, and it’s some of the best pure shooter gameplay I’ve played yet, having so much spectacle and visual diversity! The gameplay can be punishing, but this game pushes you to master it and get past any obstacle in your path. So please buy this game! You will not regret it!

this game is everything wrong with plants vs zombies 2 but much worse, you got 200 terrence feathers

Very solid classic 3D platformer, but not without it's flaws. In terms of this remaster, a lot of elements are added to make it more accessible and easier, such as a flutter jump, reworked bosses, and other QOL improvements. I think they did an amazing job making it more accessible to new players. All of the levels are vibrant and unique in aesthetic, and the new level themes help to diversify the game's aesthetics as a whole. However I think what will make or break the game is how progression is held is completing different objectives to get 100%. A lot of the time you'll need to backtrack and find different objects and doors, which makes it very tedious and harms momentum. Additionally this is not helped by the lack of movement from the camera, making it hard to see certain objects from a distance. Some design quirks from the original game, keeping in tradition with archiac design in 90's platformers, are also retained giving a bit of age to the game. As a minor side, the cutscenes are nowhere near as fun and expressive as the original game, and certain characters are changed around due to legal issues. While not a detriment it was certainly distracting. All-in-all though this is a pretty solid time and for anyone who just wants a fun platformer you can kill a little time with, I'd say go for it.

Popeye deserves better :(

A competent Pokémon clone, based on a show that was made by a sex-offender

Childhood is when you idolise the birds, adulthood is when you realise the pigs make more sense.

the N Sane Trilogy gaslit people into thinking Crash Bandicoot was this super hard teeth clenching franchise so when the true sequel to the trilogy came out they filled it with level design on par with a Kaizo hack and that is not a compliment

Remember how they made Angry Birds amiibo's?
Those were the days

Rare footage of the limbless birds of Bird Island rebelling against their tyrannical dictatorship via suicide bombing (2009, colourised)

they gaslit band kids into giving them 2 million dollars to spend on crack

I really do believe that they spent all the budget for this game on the Ed Sheehan outro song, like FUCK MAN THIS GAME IS SHIT. I can't believe that this is a product from a Multi-billion dollar franchise was released in a state like this. The only credit I can give is the Pokemon designs and texture being detailed, but god damn this game's location is soulless. The location that is based on which is Spain barely have any inspiration. At least Pokemon Sword had some location inspired by it real life counter part. This was such a waste of time, had no fun in my playthrough. Its sad to see that fans will still buy and play this garbage. Stop defending this game, you deserve better.

If you unironically like this game and gave it more than 2 stars you are the reason gamefreak will continue to make absolutely garbage and horrendous pieces of shit games. Pokemon scarlet and violet will continue a line of horrifyingly shit pokemon games all because of people with no taste in games continue to glaze them so much. The last good pokemon games were on the 3DS and gamefreak will never make anything as good again because of how ignorant a lot of pokemon fans are and how horrible they are at being honest to gamefreak about how shit their new games are.