Shut the fuck up about this dumbass shell doome

It's satisfying n all but that's a lot of dlc I don't feel like buying so oh well

Simple and does what it wants to but I fucking hate the snakes fuck you

It's really fun and challenging but man it's hard to recommend the game since it's already expensive to pick up and 90% of the roster is locked behind even more money through dlc season passes. If you look past these like I did by grabbing things during evo sales over the years it's honestly really fun to learn, but also a bit overwhelming for my platform fighter pea brain

Maybe I was over complicating it but there's too much small shit for a game like this that I didn't understand that I would want to do because I can't make myself play time killer games like this and not wanna do everything inside out

Just superior to the original version since you don't have to buy a bunch of dlc for some characters and it's just a classic seriously. With every character you unlock it's another playthrough with another friend/friend group sometime in the future when it's randomly brought up

I got it because I wanted to play as a steak and do the mode where you have to wipe out as hard as possible. Just absolutely fucking hilarious and really fun

A lot of my friends told me, "Hey, y'know you'd really like this game, and I think you'd play it a shit ton." and every time I just had a really confused look on my face and asked, "why on earth would I play this game?" Near the end of 2020, a friend was offering to buy anyone who dmd him a copy of the game since it was literally a dollar on steam, so I took that offer, and didn't play it until sometime over the summer. And then within a month I had well over 100 hours LMFAO it really is something. It's fun, there's a lot of strategies, gets big updates on occasion with healthy balance changes and new content. The recent addition of boss events was already genius and then in the most recent update as I'm posting this they added the ability to play the boss events in co-op. The devs are listening, and know how to make the game fun in many different ways, and it's very charming. Unless they make a 7th one I will absolutely always come back to this game every once in awhile if I get bored of it, and just grind the hell out of it for a few weeks

Aight I was super pumped about this game when playing it in the open beta and even preordering it because I really did believe in it but unfortunately it's another game where the concept ideas are there and it's pretty cool but it has battlerite syndrome where there's not enough variety in gameplay so it lead to a quick burnout

Super cute but needs more polish and content,

This game is so fucking unforgiving and in the span of 1 day every single thing can go wrong so fast, but man is it so much fun seeing things for the first time. Super mod friendly and the mods that the community has made show a lot of passion for the game they love. Devs are constantly updating it either adding new things, new characters, new biomes, whatever you can think of, and even reworking some older character designs to make them feel more fresh and up to date with their modern design philosophies. I will surely be coming back to this game on occasion for a long time

Not quite my cup of tea but it's alright and it's neat how often the devs update the game to this day

It's honestly pretty fun and really funny but it does unfortunately get stale pretty quick

Aight bro I wanted to be a believer for this game picking it up in 2021 but everything is locked by so many expansions that unknowingly get vaulted LOL like I couldn't do one of the nightfalls without the forsaken expansion and then a few weeks later I hear it's getting vaulted like wtf LMAO? It's really unfortunate because the game does shine through it's raids and dungeons, but so many things now are locked behind money. Money money fucking MONEY it's so expensive to pick up it's just not worth it to me anymore