80 Reviews liked by Bound_Internal

Let's pour one out for all the little kids who had to do these insanely punishing jumping segments on an original recipe PS1 controller. No analog sticks. No emulation save states. No PS5 rewind feature (which I abused constantly on this playthrough).

Those poor, tortured children. If any 8-year-old made it to the top of that apartment building to beat that clown boss, they were legally an adult by the time they turned off their console.

This game was previously a 4/5 for me and I looked forward to playing it everyday. But then the New York Times got their grubby little mitts on it. And you know what they fucking did? They got rid of swear words. Yep. Thats right. Now my daily tradition of using whore first and always has been shattered. What's even the point of playing anymore? This is everything thats wrong with capitalism. Big company buy little nice wholesome thing and ruin it and litter it with data trackers to spy on you and advertise you more of Gwenyth Paltrows goop. This is why I am now an anti-economist and will no longer be participating in the world with currency. The New York Times will NOT censor me. LADIES, NEVER FORGET WHAT THEY TOOK FROM YOU

this is devil may cry for normal people

The other day the AC unit broke in my apartment, and maintenance sends up this kid (probably 16 or 17) to set up a portable AC unit until they could get it fixed. He looks over at my computer and says "I like your setup, what games do you play?" I tell him I hop between things and crank my brain up to Jimmy Neutron-brain-blast levels of power trying desperately to think of a single example of a video game I've played that a normal person would know, and I end up going "oh, have you heard of Dinkum?" He shoots me a look, immediately says "uh, no. I play Apex," and leaves without saying another word