I’m the perfect age to remember peak Slenderman hype. When the creepypasta first started getting big I was about 10 years old – the time when your mind first starts being truly susceptible to the darker side of imagination. Hushed whispers at sleepovers, telling stories about The Slenderman that we’d made up on the spot to scare each other, nightmares about a blank-faced predator, I was there for all of it. I remember scouring YouTube for “Top 10 Creepypastas” videos on the family computer, skimming through to find where Slenderman would rank, and listening only to that segment, gleaning whatever information I could. Everything else in that scene was goofy, stupid, but this, this was something special.

In a way, when I booted up Slender: The Arrival, I think I was hoping it would rekindle some of that initial spark, or at least remind me why this character and mythos held such an appeal for myself and so many others. Instead, what I got was an experience so shoddy, so lazily constructed, that not only have I wasted my time, but I’ve tarnished those memories irrevocably.

Read my full review here: https://www.gohorror.com/post/slender-the-arrival-game-review

Reviewed on Apr 05, 2022
