Si con el primero me pareció que la historia estaba mejor contada en la serie, con este me pasa justo al contrario. Sí bien le tengo cariño porque la vi cuando era crío, me dió mazo de pereza vermela de nuevo en general.
En cambio jugarla por primera vez? Dios, la polla eh
Además que volvemos al tema de cosas maduras que nunca se animaron y aquí van más fuertes, la parte de Nathan por ejemplo madre de dios
Mola mazo
Sí a eso le sumamos que el sistema de fichajes es con diferencia el más divertido de la franquicia y además el que temáticamente más sentido tiene (por lo de "Vamos a buscar a los mejores jugadores del país chicos"), es un juegarraco

Muy mejorable en muchos aspectos, pero al ser cortito es una experiencia que no se alarga más tiempo del que debe. La historia (si bien me parece que está peor contada que en la animación) aporta un nivel de madurez bastante alto para lo que es, no me esperaba que se atrevieran con algunas cosas
Sumarle a todo esto que además me sabe mal malmeter a un juego de DS de hace 16 años, sobretodo teniendo en cuenta que es el juego de INVOCAR DEMONIOS PARA PARAR BALONES DIOS QUE PUTO GUAPA ESTÁ ESTA SAGA COÑO
A fecha de escribir esto quedan dos días para la beta del Victory Road, a ver qué tal

played this on an actual arcade while getting drunk in a bar with a friend, and let me tell ya this shit was banging yo

Me 3 weeks ago: "Yeah it's kinda fun but they keep killing me. The garlic? yeah I don't really use it, it's kinda ass- what do you mean I'm a dumbass?"
Me after Garlic+Bible+Heart+Mortaccio:

Heads up for any future readers, if you like Hollow Knight you might be interested in this!

First things first, when I review games I like to give some context as to where it comes from and also try and provide a link, so here we go.
Ichorous was created for a game jam centered around boss rushes with a deadline of one month, was released earlier this month, and can be played here for free, albeit only on Windows devices. It also lasts less than forty minutes, so if you have nothing else to do tonight, this might be it!

It´s great at what it sets out to do! The vibes and overall atmosphere are amazing and make me long for more, and the few bosses it has are well coreographed and have interesting designs. The combat system is very similar to hollow knight, which is perfect for a game this short as it lets you get right into action without too much trouble if you are already familiar with the mechanics. The healing mechanic is also a new take on the system, which is very much appreciated.
Apparently, they will also be adding an extra boss in the foreseeable future, so that's more content coming soon!

(I will say tho, as of February 2024, there's a chance for some crashes happening (which I didn't encounter, but are being reported as of now), however don't let that deter you from playing it!)

Overall, if you have read this far into the review I think you will enjoy this one, so please do take a look into it. I think it deserves some recognition, if even just because it's a cool little game ^^
Give them some love!

The main reason I don't like this game is because it cost (and still costs) money to play
After some research, I found that they sold this for around 40 dollars in the 80s, accounting for inflation that would be around 116 dollars nowadays, or roughly 108 euros- Jesus Christ it's worse than I thought

Yk as much as I think that some of the things this game did are great (Mainly proto man, some of the music and the slide as a movement option), it's just not as interesting as the second one. None of the weapons really spoke to me, so I just ended up using the shuriken the most, which is just the megaman 2 metal man weapon but... worse. It was either that or the buster, as they were the only ones that actually helped me.
Rush is... ok I guess? it's a cool dog with some functions, but they were already in old games in some way or the other, so is it really new? not really
So yeah
OH also the boss fights were sooooo boring (sorry not sorry) and there were way too many of them for my liking, I actually had to play this game in more than one sitting cuz I was kinda disconnecting mentally

Tl:DR, It's fine ig

Ok I will say it, I'm fairly fond of kusoges, and, well
This is a kusoge
But damn it if the arcade mode wasn't some of the most stupid fun I've had on a while
Like, you are telling me that This guy can take half my health with just ONE attack? That's so fkn silly!!! It's funny as fuck!!!!!! I'm tired of pretending it's not!!!!!!!
Sagat took me like 40 minutes, and probably would have let me pennyless if I were a small child. And I beat his fucking ass!!!!!!!!!!! Fuck you sagat, you were like a dark souls boss but worse!!!!!!!!!!

Also, I had more fun shrieking and getting bullshitted on here for an hour than any single minute I spent of my 6 hours in Axiom Verge. And that's a 7 stars game! Opinions do not matter people!!
Have you ever heard "Little Caesar's ain't that bad when you don't got a bitch in your ear telling you it sucks"?
This is street fighter one for me

Overall, there is only one more thing I want to say about this: What strength!!! but don't forget that there are many guys like you all over the world

Honestly way better than the first one
I get why people like it, I actually kinda feel like replaying it at some point after this loll

Little bro would not have survived the winter if it had been released in this millenium

Do you know just how fucking amusing it was to replay this game from my childhood 10 years later and seeing a grown ass mushroom say the word "Amoonguss" with different intonations while making puns about being an impostor? Do you??

I've been trying to finish this game since I was like 6 years old, and I finally did just that
The story was, idk, was it even decent? Idk this save file was played in mobile over the span of a year, I don't really remember half of it
The puzzles are interesting, but this isn't really my kind of game so I don't think I can give the best opinion about it
Overall, was it worth it? the 14 years of trying?
Shrugs I.... I guess so? Maybe?? Idk I think I prefer Inazuma Eleven every day of the week over this


-And a fine dark souls to thee, traveller.

Da igual cuando estés leyendo esta review, el verdadero DS3: AhA es la economía actual