Can't really say much more than it's already been said about this masterpiece. On my top 2 games of all time, and a personal story of self superation.
Praised be thy sun, chosen undead...

Probably the black sheep of the franchise, and yet I can't help but put it in my top 2. This game came to me in a really delicate time of my life, and it helped a lot to put things into perspective.
Admittedly, I don't really remember a whole lot of the things that happened, but I do remember the things this game made me feel in a moment where I was, frankly, hollow inside.
If you want a heartfelt story about maturing and aiming for a better world despite all adversities, by all means, do yourself a favor and play it.

It's just pure and unadultered fun, man. You've got yourself a pretty good recompilation of classic Rhythm Paradise bangers, and this is just a feel-good game overall.
The major flaw this has are the door guardians, which literally gatekeep the rest of the game with mini games that need coins to be played, and they tend to be hard as balls when you can't practice them a lot.
Besides that, it's pretty good
Also shout-out to the Ashley plush you go girl!!!


This is the best love letter any series can receive from their fans, and I mean that wholeheartedly. Without getting into spoiler territory, the manual mechanic is one of the most beautiful, interesting and ironically innovative mechanics I've had the pleasure to tinker with in all my years of playing.
The gameplay is silky smooth, filled to the brim with divulgative secrets (some of these feel like the mew truck, and I mean that in the best way possible), it has good pacing and a story that, while not necessary to enjoy this game, can reach your heart if you are in the right mindset.

If you loved A link Between Worlds, Minish Cap or any other 2D Zelda title, please try Tunic. Hell, if you played the original Zelda in the NES, this game is specifically a love letter to you, too.
It's that good

I've lost count of how many times I've completed it
It was, alongside Smash, my go-to 3ds game when I didn't know what to play that day
Unironically the best 2D Zelda game, if you had to choose which one to play first between A link to the Past or this guy, I would really choose this one, although admittedly it reuses the layout of AlttP for a very big part of the map
Still, pretty good

Probably my favorite NES title, really fun and engaging title that I keep coming back to just for the funsies
It helps that as of late some games are making references to it in special boss battles, it's soooo cool!!! (I see ya, Deltarune and The Messenger)

the de-facto snes racing game. Not my favorite game of all time precisely, but it's got some kick ass drifting mechanics once you master them

I wouldn't be half-kidding if I said this game changed my life at the beginning of That One Thing in 2020, it led me to met very cool people from all over the world who I hold dearly to this day
Admittedly don't really play it that much nowadays, but that's besides the point
Even if biased, I couldn't lie if I wanted to.
This is peak Smash Brothers. Melee is more than smash for a lot of people, but this? this IS smash. And the greatest one at that.

This game is peak platform fighters

This was a beautiful experience through and through.
I loved the entire cast with all my heart, even that blue Beachball pon
Seriously tho, what was Riku up to? He must know something we don't- (Continues in Future Redeemed review)

Overall, a magnificent ending to a magnificent trilogy.
Also Matthew is probably in my top 3 media characters ever ngl, wish we had more time

(Continuation from my base game review) -YOU NOPON PIECE OF PON WHAT THE SPARKING HEY ARE YOU DOING HERE

God is this game good. It solves all the inconveniencies in gameplay the saga had until that point, by reasigning the aiming and missile system in a more clever way, and overall just makes for a silky smooth experience that is just a joy to revisit from time to time
My favorite Metroid title so far

Cult classic, and that's for a reason. coming from the nes title and the Gameboy sequel, using a superior console to develop the third, potentially last entry was the Oomph the franchise needed. A perfection of a craft of sorts, even if I kinda prefer fusion.
Couple that with the very interesting story of how it was developed, and this game is a real piece of gaming history in the snes catalogue. Play it, even if with a guide. You won't regret it.

I mean it's not normally my jam but when you get the Tetris vibes from time to time it really keeps ya groovin
Not much more to say, izza good game, as it's always been

Played the DS version back in the day, and let me tell you, this original version is ROUGH to get into nowadays. Wanky controls, bs stars, really weird camera.... And yet I dare to say this is one of the most fun games around if all you want to do is screw around with the movement. The controls, while really bad when making 180° turns, are just fun to interact with. Plus Mario is just filled with so much joy with every jump, it's a happy go lucky experience, and lots of fun once you've got your head wrapped around the archaic controls.