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Shin Megami Tensei IV has got to be one of the best games I’ve ever played. The atmosphere, gameplay, story and aesthetics are some of the best in any RPG.

Story? Don’t get me started. Amazing. There’s very few games where after I beat them I’m sitting in my room contemplating what I’ve just played. A really captivating story and one of the best in Megaten.

Gameplay is amazing too. It’s lightning fast and endlessly satisfying with the press turn combat and unique demon mechanics. Fusing demons is fun and rewarding, and using their skills on your main character adds more planning into your fusion process, as you consider which skills you want to transfer. The bane on this game’s gameplay is the dungeon crawling and smirking. The dungeon crawling is mostly nonexistent with only 4-5 real dungeons in the game. The dungeons you do get are pretty good, but often lacking in good loot and side routes to flesh them out. And smirking is just bullshit.

The graphics are pretty good for a 3DS game, though if they went with their original idea of making it a first person dungeon crawler it’d probably look better, but make the game far less as unique as it is.

The music is stupendous. Nothing else I have to say other than it’s ABSOLUTELY BEAUTIFUL. There’s really nothing that compares except the Shin Megami Tensei V OST, done by the same people.

Overall, fantastic game that I will play again and again and never get tired of.