Why does this website have two entries for Ten Desires?

I quite like this game actually. I know some people are not a fan, and I can completely understand where they're coming from. But I adore the trance mechanic and just the overall pacing/feeling of the game. Frankly if given the choice I'd take the trance mechanic over the UFO mechanic every single time it's not even close.

The shot types are fun, and music is good, and the spell cards are neat. In particular, Seigas little gimmick with Yoshika stands out to me. But I also quite like Kyouko's bullet gimmick as well.

This game is very tight with resources though, and many find it unforgiving. You're just not really allowed any unneeded deaths like you are in other games. Though, you can still manage with one or two, just don't be reckless.

Overall, I consider it a good experience. Not worth skipping, but not a game I'd specifically recommend either.

Reviewed on Feb 03, 2024
