literally the worst game i ever played


does anyone else like shrek?

every character acts like they've been strapped down to a chair and were forced to listen to barney youtube poop remixes at ear rape volume

this game is like going out with your "badass" uncle but really he's a complete weirdo and is kind of embarrassing to be around but you stick around with him anyway cus it's somewhat charming anyway i stubbed my toe while writing this review.

fire fighters are already the coolest guys in society and yet this game takes it to the next god damn level. dont really have anything funny to say, this game is up there with the coolest games i've ever played.

honestly its a decent game but the noises the "faces" would make were so fucking weird and disgusting

its really not that bad. it has funny little side things and you can throw poop. yeah, howdy doodys, poop, crappo, scat brown trout, colon bombs, the ol' bumb browny, feces, anal output, booty apples, kaka and turds. yeah man, turds.

im BANANAS for this game, i hope we never split.

(did u get it like when i say split its a double entendre and play on words for the fact that i said i am bananas for this game, and also hoping i dont get seperated from it hah ik im realky good.

GUYS I DID IT I KILLED JUSTIN BEEVER IN THE TOBUSCUS SWORD THROW V2!!! RATE IT 5 STARS okay anyway guys please play my ball throw game

"War is bad." - Albert Einstein

uh oh!!! brett favre stole the mommy milky again!!! in this game u play as john madden, as you chase brett favre running away from you because john madden's obsession with brett favre has finally taken him over.

im pretty sure this is the prequel to lego island 1 because the infomaniac isnt a full blown psychopath yet. but yea this games good. my ass hurts.