Really puts the milk in milquetoast.

Can't wait for the sequel, Jupiter Bomberman.

Pour one out for the pink kangaroo that can dance and do literally nothing else. My new best friend.

To be honest, if each level is only going to give a single item, and that item just so happens to be a useless banana, then that's gonna be the worst banana I ever eat.

I think this is the first Super Bomberman game that doesn't feature a godless abomination as a boss fight. I appreciate the restraint.

Normalize every video game franchise adding their own wacky version of Yoshi.

Final world was designed by serial killers.

I've been a fan of the Bomberman franchise for most of my life, so I'm glad I was finally able to play my first Bomberman game today.

At this point I'm convinced that someone could release a Pikmin 2 mod that just shows a PNG of Louie getting kicked in the balls for two hours uninterrupted and I would probably still give it at least four stars.

Figuring out the solution in a cross-examination, when the music stops and the mystery begins to unfurl, makes you feel as if for a brief moment the universe has decided to orbit around you at exhilarating speeds. The stars careen past as the courtroom erupts into deductive reasoning, silly banter and heart-wrenching character moments. That sensation of going a million miles per hour simply from a series of text boxes is one that may be unmatched in any game I've played before.

And if I have to suffer through a million Larry Butz's just to experience this feeling again then goddamnit I might just do it.

I love how much the judge clearly hates Phoenix. Like we could have fifteen murder weapons all with the real culprits fingerprints alongside a full confession from the murderer while they're foaming from the mouth on the stand but because we didn't explain a motive for our defendant the judge is just like, "Sorry there's no proof, guilty, throw 'em in the chair".

Probably the most fun "Guess the Song" game I have ever played. Using previous Nintendo tunes with the Pikmin 2 sound font makes for such a unique experience, and when I first heard the track for the rest sublevels which samples the Astral Observatory theme from Majora's Mask, I felt I could shed a tear at that moment.

The bonus game that they included with this album is pretty cool too.

If you went into this as your first Pikmin game, your mind would implode from the technical achievement that is this game's flow of mechanics, insane quality-of-life inclusions, and an air of convenience that lasts the entire play-through.

If you have played the previous Pikmin games, you may notice some cracks lying in wait, some of which are downright baffling. It's amazing that this entry looks worse than the previous installment in the series that released ten years ago. Every character is an affront to god with some of the worst designs and dialogue I have ever seen, and don't even, DO NOT EVEN get me started on the plot.

But who cares. Piklopedia. L + Ratio.

I can't believe this glorified sleep app has more tutorials and mechanics than a mainline Pokemon game.

It's very frustrating that every night I have to sit through fifty pages of dialogue and explanations at about 10 frames per second when all I want to do is go to sleep it's 5 in the morning please I'm so tired-