Other then nostalgic views of this game, there is almost nothing good about this game. I'm gratefully for what it did for Pokémon but looking back at it with all the bugs and the sheer amount of them, its just not a good game.

Nostalgic views might skew my view of this game but this remains my favorite Pokémon game of all time. Just upgrades absolutely everything about the original and is either the hardest or second hardest game in the series imo.

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Solid game just not what i was expecting for a switch title, also with no battle frontier again just knocks it down more.

This is what every remake wants to be. Updates and upgrades everything you can think of about the originals that were already good in there own right. Just a super solid game.

Biggest let down game of my whole life. This game isn't even that bad gameplay wise just some HORRIBLE story decisions and comparing it to the masterpiece original is no match at all.

Its the OG 3D Mario game so that has be said, but nothing can save this game from how horrible controlling Mario is. Levels are great and hub world is iconic, just the clunky outdated controls lowers this title down.

Game builds upon all the mistakes of red/blue and fixes them plus 99% of the bugs. Solid game overall

This game could be so much more if there wasn't such a pay to play aspect to this game. The card designs and just gameplay overall is amazing, but the fact you have to throw hundreds of dollars each expansion just to have all the cards necessary to play is just not worth. If they ever change there philosophy this game will be 5 star for sure